Thursday, 21 December 2017

Four Christmas Fragrances From The High Street

We’ve arrived at the “four days to go” mark and the grand panic will start to begin for many festive shoppers. Christmas Day comes at the same time every year, but every year people seem to get caught out. Internet shopping is a big mistake this late in the day, whatever the companies may promise, and so it’s time to fall back on the tried and trusted high street department stores. You need to say farewell to any prospect of a niche offering and embrace the best of the mainstream. To help you out I’ve chosen four that are guaranteed to put a smile on any recipient’s face. Let’s go shopping!

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Can Fragrance Give Back This Christmas?

Christmas is the time for giving and receiving, but how about expanding that to “giving back”? The fragrance industry makes upwards of 20% of their annual income from the festive season, with some hitting 30%, and most Christmas trees this year will have a bottle of the latest Chanel, a Guerlain classic, a Jo Malone original or even something from one of the independent perfumeries nestled underneath it. Imagine the difference that we could make if for every bottle of perfume you purchase you also made a donation of just £1 to Shelter. How can we ensure that our fragranced frivolity truly makes a difference this year?

Monday, 11 December 2017


Samantha Scriven started writing about fragrance as a challenge to see if she could review one scent every day for a year, and that was back in 2013. Since then she has continued the blog, gone on to write freelance and was also nominated for a 2017 Fragrance Foundation Jasmine Award. After reviewing thousands of scents, what would Samantha choose for herself during “Stephan’s Six”?

Thursday, 7 December 2017

TREE PRESENCE by 4160 Tuesdays

Some perfume companies continue to surprise and delight us with a seemingly never-ending imaginative output. Not subject to the shackles of the commercial sector, these independent perfumeries are able to experiment and, in the process, create some wonderfully abstract scents that can truly challenge. One of these is 4160 Tuesdays, which was founded by Sarah McCartney, and this Christmas they have released a limited edition room spray called Tree Presence. Festive offerings sometimes end up with a tinge of “pine fresh” lavatory cleaner, but nothing could be further from the truth with this evocative marvel.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Christmas by Marina Barcenilla Parfums

Christmas is the season of the limited release with companies trying to reward and attract in equal measure. The thought of acquiring something special from your favourite brand sends gifting budgets rocketing but also means that expectations are seriously raised. Will they live up to the hype? One section of the market that seems to be more successful is the “independent”, possibly because they create in smaller quantities but also because they can make their Christmas offering truer to their own style. Marina Barcenilla Parfums has released three Christmas products this year and every one of them is a winner.