Thursday, 29 December 2016


We all get so entrenched in our family lives over the festive period that many Twitter and Facebook posts go unread. I am the first to admit that "offline" time is something that I hold very dear, especially at Christmas, but even I couldn't resist when I was asked to create a series of seven posts for Le Jardin Retrouvé. Not heard of them? They were the first "niche" fragrance house and started life in 1975 under the guidance of perfumer Yuri Gutsatz. After almost disappearing following his death in 2005, his son Michel has begun the task of reestablishing the name of Le Jardin Retrouvé for a new generation.

As part of this relaunch the company wanted to run a series of images during Christmas week. Each would use one of their fragrance visuals alongside a quote from Yuri Gutsatz. With Michel's permission I've gathered them all together in one place for you to see, and in January I'll be writing about the company in more detail. Until then you can visit, follow them on Twitter @JardinRetrouve or hash tag #RetrouveReturns. Have a wonderful New Year and I'll see you all in 2017!

19th December
20th December
21st December
22nd December
23rd December
24th December
25th December

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