Thursday, 27 June 2019

VANILJ by Maya Njie

With the seemingly constant stream of new perfume companies launching on an almost daily basis, I often find myself thinking, “Is it really possible for a new brand to present themselves in a way that feels original and interesting?” Everything has been done before, in one way or another, but sometimes it’s actually a hark back to the past that provides a springboard in the present. Maya Njie has launched her own perfume company and is the perfect example of how someone can combine a personal history with a passion for creation. With a celluloid inspiration transformed into scent, it’s time for Maya Njie to take centre stage.

Monday, 24 June 2019


It’s always interesting to see something become “fashionable” that was, just a matter of years ago, seen by many as belonging to another generation. “Everything comes back into style” was the mantra of my mother and, as I’ve grown older, I’ve realised that she is absolutely right. One of the recent popularity resurgences in the beauty industry has been the revival of the humble bar of soap, although some companies are anything but humble in the pricing of these scented tablets. So, to help you navigate the suds, I’ve chosen my top five perfumed soaps and none of these fragranced beauties will break the bank.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

LONDON 1969 by 4160 Tuesdays

I don’t think a perfume review is ever written without the word “inspiration” appearing somewhere within it. We love to know the background to a scent and the concept of the perfumer, but sometimes the original inspiration becomes entwined in ways that were never imagined. When Sarah McCartney of 4160 Tuesdays created London 1969 five years ago she could never have dreamed that it would take on a personal significance for the company, and just how important that date was. Far more than just an effervescent citrus, London 1969 takes you on a journey into the past but with one foot firmly in the present.

Monday, 17 June 2019

BENGALE ROUGE by Papillon Perfumery

A new fragrance launch from a beloved company is always a source of excitement, but when the frenzy is generated by a niche perfume house’s pre-launch press samples then you know that something truly extraordinary is happening. The industry call it “pre-seeding” and it’s a way of drumming up interest, but it rarely results in the sheer number of advance reviews that Liz Moores is receiving for Bengale Rouge, the latest release from Papillon Perfumery. Luca Turin described her previous creations as having “confidence, balance, and polish,” and this newest addition to the collection echoes that observation.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

COWBOY VETIVER by Beacon Mercantile

Creating a new perfume brand is not something that should be entered into lightly because, unfortunately for some, the already overcrowded niche market is a difficult one in which to succeed. Having a real love for what you do can help but, in the end, it comes down to exquisite products and a loyal customer base. One company that has managed to combine both of these qualities though is Beacon Mercantile, which was founded by Toni Hacker in New York. A combination of candles and skincare have proved hugely successful for the brand but it’s the fragrances that customers are finding truly addictive.

Monday, 10 June 2019

MA BLONDE by Jean-Claude Delville

When it comes to new perfume releases we often get bombarded with very serious stories about its inspiration, or details of a company’s “Corporate Social Responsibility,” before we’ve even smelled the fragrance. To the majority of people, wearing perfume is just a fun frivolity that makes them feel happy and confident. It’s this latter idea of playfulness mixed with individuality that Candice Rosa chose when she decided to launch Ma Blonde. Based in Canada, everything about this brand screams “fun” and, with a fragrance to back up the concept, it could well be my guilty pleasure for this summer.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

SENSORI+ puts the Science into Scent

The idea of using scent to perfume our surroundings is nothing new, we’ve been doing it for centuries, but the explosion in the home fragrance market is showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. From Jo Malone London’s iconic candles to Alessandro Agrati’s groundbreaking diffuser, our need to scent the rooms in our houses is born out of a love of pretty aromas but also a need to mask potential unpleasantness. This idea of merely covering up unwanted smells is being turned on its head with the launch of the new Australian range of Air Detoxifying Aromatic Mists from Sensori+ and the result is wonderfully refreshing.

Monday, 3 June 2019

TOKYO by Gallivant

We live our lives through a mist of preconceived ideas about everything from music to fashion and places to people, but just recently I was stopped in my tracks because of my own preconceptions about a fragrance. I had imagined that Tokyo by Gallivant would be just another cherry blossom inspired floral that once again celebrated this delicate petal. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Tokyo, the latest release from the company, recreates the early morning in the city and mixes nature with neon and tanginess with tranquillity. The new addition to the collection fits perfectly into the style, although its individuality cannot be ignored.