Monday, 8 April 2019


After originally training as an aromatherapist, Jessica Buchanan moved from her native Canada to train at the Grasse Institute of Perfumery. Internships at Robertet and Mane followed and finally, in 2010, she launched her own perfume company in the heart of Grasse. Nine years after founding 1000 Flowers I thought it was time to find out a little more about Jessica during “Stephan’s Six”.

What is the first smell that you can remember?
It would be two actually. I always have a memory of my horse’s back, I had a pony actually, and it was the smell of his back after I had taken the saddle off. There was also a particular grove of trees that formed a very dense circle and, if you went inside, it had a sweet scent that I’ve never smelled anywhere else. I was very young for both of those memories.

What was the first perfume you remember your mum or dad wearing?
I don’t really remember my father ever wearing a fragrance if I'm honest, but with my mother it was definitely the classic 4711 by Maurer & Wirtz. The smell of it, even now, seems to evoke feelings of comfort, nurturing, and of being safe.

What was the perfume of your twenties?
I didn’t really wear fragrance in my twenties, but in my late teens I had Ruffles by Oscar de la Renta. Even then, I never wore a lot of perfume, so I think I had a bottle of 4711 as well. Ruffles is what I remember the most though and it reminds me of leaving home at, what was, a pretty chaotic period in my life.

What was your biggest perfume mistake?
That’s tricky because, surprisingly, I’ve never worn perfume very much because it always disturbs me. It’s usually so strong and it takes over, I think I’m just very sensitive, which is why I ended up working in perfumery. So, even now, I don’t wear very much. My biggest mistake isn’t a perfume actually, it’s an essential oil. When I was in my early twenties, twenty-one, something like that, I was just discovering essential oils. I put geranium oil on and then went somewhere in a car, and I was sick from it being so overwhelming. It’s a very strong smell and definitely taught me to use ingredients in moderation.

You can only choose one perfume?
Well, probably the one fragrance that I can wear, the one fragrance that I do wear, is Encre Noire. It was created by Nathalie Lorson for Lalique in 2006 and I don’t really smell it on myself, which is a weird phenomenon, but everyone else always say that they can. It’s very vetiver, it’s dry, it’s not floral, and it’s not cloying. So, that’s the one fragrance.

What perfume should I try?
I would say for you to try my Reglisse Noire because of the liquorice. It’s such an interesting fragrance and I’d love to see if you’re truly a liquorice fan or not.

For more information about Jessica and 1000 Flowers, or to discover her full range of fragrances, you can visit the website at


  1. What an amazing lady. Reglisse sounds perfect for me, I love a liquorice scent from another perfume house, and actually had another scent on yesterday, that had it as one of the ingredients. I must be drawn to it at the moment.

    1. Hello Barry, it deifnitely sounds liek one that you should try. Best, Stephan
